For the General Configuration, go to STORES -> Configuration -> SALES -> Shipping Methods.
Note: Because of the ‘Store Pickup’ available, now onwards the Shipping Methods referred to as Delivery Methods in the 2.4 editions of the Magento2.
Enable: Select ‘Yes’ to enable the extension. The extension will be disabled by default.
Title: Enter the title to be displayed for the Shipping Methods.
Ship to applicable countries: Select from below options to ship the consignment in applicable countries.
All Allowed Countries: This allows admin to ship the consignment in all countries.
Specific Countries: This allows admin to ship the consignment only in specified countries.
Sort Order: Choose shipping methods that you need to be show at front end for the contract services.
Enable Free Shipping: Enable/Disable free shipping option to be displayed on the front end. You enable this option by selecting “Yes” for the same.
On enabling free shipping option, select the free shipping methods to be displayed on the frontend. Along with that, define minimum subtotal for order to be applicable for free shipping.
Hide Australia Post Shipping Method From Customer: Select this option to Yes if shipping method other than Australia Post Shipping is to be used. Possible options are: Yes or No.
Show method if not applicable: Choose whether to display the method if that particular method is not applicable or unavailable. Possible options are: “Yes” or “No”
Displayed Error Message: Set message which you want to display when method is not applicable.