Banners Slider

You can display the Banners of the new collections or product discount Offers on the home page of app. By clicking on the ‘Edit’ icon, a popup window will open named Edit Banner Slider. [1]


If banners are already created, you will get the list of Banners with the details in the end. You can edit/delete those banners as per your need.


Insert and select the following details to display the Banners/Offers in the app: [2]


Banner Title: Insert relevant title related to Banner or Offer.


Select Image Type: Select URL of image or Upload from the local drive.


Status: Enable/Disable the Banner slider.


Type: You will have three type to manage the content of banners:



Category: If you select the Category, the app user will be redirected to the product listing page based on the selected category here. [3]


Product: If you select the Product, app user will be redirected to the Product detail page based on Product selection here. [4]


Offer: The user will be redirected to the browser view in the app as per inserted URL. [5]


After inserting and selecting the details, click on the Save button. You will get the slider in the app.