From the “Content Secure → Settings”, you can protect the store’s content from theft by configuring the right-clicking options and other settings as well.
By clicking on the Content Secure, you can enable/disable the options of content privacy & security for your website (store). You can manage the Content Security options for the Desktop Settings & Mobile Settings.
Desktop Settings
You can configure the following details for the Desktop Settings:
– Right-Click Protection: By enabling this option, It disables the right-click action on the screen (your web page). It will not allow right-clicking actions on the content.
– Content Protection: By enabling this option, it disables the selection of the content and copies the content by right-clicking after selection. (from the right-clicking context menu)
– Image Protection: By enabling this option, it disables the save the image action by right-clicking on all the images.
– Drag Protection: By enabling this option, it disables drag & drops the image action to another location. i.e., To the Desktop
– Keyboard Short Protection: By enabling this option, stops the keyboard shortcut actions like access to your source code (F12), developer tools, copy the page, etc.
Mobile Settings
You can configure the following details for the Mobile Settings:
– Content Protection: By enabling this option, it will not allow to select the content and copy the content by copy option from the context menu.
– Image Protection: By enabling this option, it will not allow saving the image to the mobile device.
After managing the content security options, click on the Save Settings button to apply the security to your website content.