You can also export reports as required by clicking on Export button available on the top right section in survey reports.
All available reports like status report, question wise report along with their different types like combined, email or open ended can be exported by clicking on Export button.
Clicking on Export option, it opens Export Report Pop up where you can select the report type, it can be Normal or Trend.
For normal status report you need to select Export As option for the report. It has two values: Pdf and CSV (For Sugar6, you get one additions export option of spreadsheet). And for trend report, along with export as option you must select Export By option as well. Different Export By options are: By Day, By Week, By Month, By Year.
In case of question wise report to be exported, you get Export By option in Normal Report that has two options: Default and Selected.
Selecting default option will export pdf report as it is and if any filters are applied or some different chart is to be exported, you need to select Export By: Selected. Selecting the option will show data as filtered in the exported report. Also, in case of show stats to be exported, you need to select export by: Selected for including the statistics table in the exported file.
Example: When exporting normal report as pdf and export by: Default is selected, it will take bar chart in the report irrespective of chart selected. If you want some other chart/or chart as selected, you need to select export by: Selected for that report.
You also get to export individual questions as pdf or image format. Image export is available only for questions with charts. Here the chart selected, gets exported as it is.