Product details translation

> Translate Product Details from one language to another


You can translate the product individually. Go to Catalog -> Products and click on any product to translate it to any other language. [1]


You can also translate all fields by clicking on a single button from the Top right corner.


Click on ‘Product Details’ to translate details of the product like Name & Description. [2]


By clicking on the “Translate <language>” button, it will translate the content into your selected language. Along with that, you can also edit the translated string if you want.


Once done with the editing, click on Apply Translate button to translate the text. [3]


For every translation done, you can edit the translated string.


Click on ‘Search Engine Optimization’ to translate the Meta Title and Meta Description of the product. [4]



> Translate CMS page details from one language to another


Go to Content -> Pages and click on any page to translate it to any other language. [5]


Admin can translate Page Information, Content, and Meta Data of the CMS Page.