Recovery Dashboard

After installation, you will get the “Abandoned Checkout”. By clicking on it, you will navigate to the ‘Recovery Dashboard’.

From the ‘Recovery Dashboard’, you will get the latest values related to Abandoned Carts and Recovered Carts with a percentage as per the selection of the dates from the ‘date filter’.


Your Latest Numbers: The abandoned cart details will be displayed as per the specific interval or custom date range selection.


Compare with Preceding Period: Here the compare date range will appear as per the selection of the interval or date range. i.e., if this month is selected, record details compare with the last month.


You will get the following values for Abandoned Carts with the latest value and with the percentage of increase:

Abandoned Carts: You will get the No. of Abandoned Carts from the customers.

Email Sent: You will get the No. of Emails sent to the customers.

Cart Recovered: You will get the No. of recovered carts from the abandoned carts that the customers checkout after getting the email.

Recover Rate: You will get the percentage of the recovered carts in comparison with the Abandoned Cart as per the selected date range/date filter.

Cart Value Recovered: Value (revenue) of the recovered carts.

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