Style Configurations

Configure the appearance of the Timer by customizing the color combinations of the content:


Background Color: Choose the background color of the Timer widget.

Timer Background Color: Choose the background color of the timer countdown.

Button Background Color: If you have enabled the Button, choose the background color of the button.

Text Color: Choose the Text color of the message.

Button Text Color: If you have enabled the Button, choose the text color of the button.

Timer Text Color: Choose the text color of the timer countdown.


The ‘color picker’ tool is provided to choose the relevant color for the Timer content as per your store’s theme.


> Enable Button Shadow


Button Shadow Required: Enable this option to display the Shadow of the button.

Button Shadow Color: Choose the color of the shadow.

Button Size: Insert the button size between min 135px to max 200px.



> Alignment of Countdown 


Alignment: Select alignment to be displayed on the store Left, Center, or Right.


As you configure the Style content, you will get a real-time preview of how the Timer widget will be displayed.


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