Product Bundles- List View

You can check already created Product Bundles. By clicking on the “Product Bundles”, you will get the list of the existing Product Bundles with their details in grid view.

In the grid view, you can see the Status, Bundle Name, Product bundle images, Discount Type & Priority as you have added the details during the creation of the bundle.

You can search the specific bundle from the list of the bundles by inserting the name or text in the ‘Search text box’. You can enable/disable the status of the product bundle as per need.

Under “Actions”, you can ‘edit’ the specific bundle and you can also ‘delete’ any bundle that is no longer required.


By clicking on the ‘edit’ icon, you can edit the bundle details and update the bundle.

You can add a new product/replace existing/remove the products as you want to display the product to sell more. You can change the discount for the bundle any time you want.

You can edit the bundle message to attract the customer to visit the product bundle.

By clicking on the + Create Bundle, you will navigate to the “Create Bundle” page to create a new product bundle.

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