Shopify Admin

Auto-Publish & Email Notification 


> Manage Review: Auto-Publish or Manually


If any customer has added a new review and you have selected the Auto-Publish option from the “General Settings”, you will get the status of the newly added review enabled in the Reviews listing. (Screenshot-1)


But if you have selected the Don’t Auto-Publish option, you need to enable the status of the newly added review from the Reviews listing manually.



Email Notification 


If you have enabled the Get Notified option from the ”General Settings”, you will get the review details in the Email when the customers add the reviews. (Screenshot-2)

> If Auto-Publish is enabled

If you have enabled the Auto-Publish option and when the customers add the reviews, you will get the Review details in the Email with the status of Review Published and you will get the Unpublish Review button. (Screenshot-3)


You can check the reviewed details in the Email and the review status is auto-published so the review will be published on the product’s detail page on the store, but you can disable it by clicking on the Unpublish Review button. (Screenshot-4)


By clicking on the “Unpublish Review” button, the review will be hidden in the store and you will get the “Review Unpublished” status in the Email details.


You will get the “Publish” button to display the review on the store.


> If Auto-Publish is disabled


If you have selected the Don’t Auto-Publish option, you will get the Email with the Publish Review button to publish the review button manually. (Screenshot-5)


By clicking on the “Publish Review” button, the customer’s review will publish (display) on the store.


You will get the status as Review Published but you can again hide the review from the store by clicking on the Unpublish button. (Screenshot-6)


You can also navigate to the pending reviews page from the Email details. It will navigate to the Unpublish Review listing.

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