You can select the N-Number of products in the Featured Categories block on the Home Page layout of the app.
Blocks will be horizontally slidable. [1]
By clicking on ‘Edit’ icon, a popup window will open named Edit Featured Category Block. [2]
Here you can add and manage the category blocks as per your need.
As per the configuration in the Edited Featured Category Block, the horizontal slider of the ‘Featured categories’ will display in the home page layout of the Mobile app.
You can Add / Edit the following fields for the Featured Category Block: [3]
Select Display Type: Select the Category image display. There are two options: Square and Circle.
Featured Category Block Title: Inset the name of the Title to display in the home page layout of the app.
Add New Featured Category: By clicking on the Add New Featured Category button, the Featured category-related options will appear. [3]
Now, add the category details and select the category: [4]
Category Title: Insert Category Title.
Select Image Type: Upload from the local drive or insert URL of an image to display.
Status: Select the status, ‘Enabled’ or ‘Disabled’.
Select Category: Select the category for which you want to display the block.
Sort Order: Insert the position of the category to display in the slider.
Note: Categories will appear in the drop-down option as per the configured from Catalog -> Categories. [5]
After inserting the information, click on the Save button to save the details. The record will be displayed on the Featured Category list. [6]