Navigate to Geolocation Redirect -> Manage Rules menu to configure the Store & Currency by selecting the country and the Store for that selected country.
You will get the list of existing Geolocation Rules in grid view. You can edit any by clicking on the Edit option under the ‘Action’ column.
From here, you can add a new rule to redirect the website based on the user geolocation. Click on Add New Rule button to add and configure the store & currency or ‘Edit’ any store.
Select the required details:
– Country: Select the Country of the visitors.
– Store: Select the Store from the drop-down option to which you want to redirect the visitors. You will get the store’s list as per the Store Configuration.
Note: You can select the multiple countries for a single store by holding the ‘Ctrl’ and Mouse click.
– Currency: Select the currency to display on the store for product rates. You can configure the currency from the Stores à Currency Rates under the Currency menu.
For a specific Geolocation Rule, you can insert exceptional IP & URL:
– Exceptional IP: You can exclude the visitor from redirection by inserting the IP address. The visitor will not be able to switch the store. If you have multiple IP addresses, you need to insert one IP per line.
– Exceptional URL: The visitor will be redirected to the default store for added exceptional URL.
– Priority: Set the priority. High priority selected rule will be considered first for redirection in case there are any other rules added in the backend.
– Enable Rule: Enable/Disable the rule as per your business requirement.
After configuring the rules for the store, click on the Save button.
Note: Geolocation Rule can be set only for one store by selecting the multiple countries if required. But you cannot add a new Geolocation Rule for the Web Store for which you have already added the Rule.