In this tab, admin can set default configurations for every product dimension and can also decide product weight unit to be considered.
Select Attribute for Length: Choose the default attribute for length.
Select Attribute for Height / Thickness: Choose the default attribute for height/ thickness.
Select Attribute for Width: Choose the default attribute for width.
Default weight Unit: Choose the default weight unit.
Allow default value for dimension: Australia Post works on product dimension and entering dimension is compulsory for every user, now if you want to set default dimensions for all products it can be done from here.
Default Length (in C.M): Set the default length for the shipments in cm (centimeter) from here.
Default Height (in C.M): Set the default height for the shipments in cm (centimeter) from signature here.
Default Width (in C.M.): Set the default width for the shipments in cm (centimeter) from here.