Currency Converter



If you have spread your business and sales across multiple countries and if you have multiple stores for multiple countries, the visitors will need the option to see the displayed price in their country-specific currency.


Shopify CommerceXpand- “Currency Converter” app provides a currency switcher widget to display the product pricing by selecting the currency from the online store. Shopify admin can enable the Auto-Currency switcher & converter that will be country-specific.


Online stores have a multi-currency feature that helps the customers manually calculate stuck, decrease cart abandonment, and increase sales. Once the visitors get the pricing in their local (home) currency, that would encourage your customers to buy a product. You can provide the customized Currency Converter widget on your store.


Key Points of Currency Converter


-> Easy to add multiple currencies


-> Geo-Location based currency converter


-> Display the message of order payment in the default store’s currency using variables


-> Customize the appearance and display the Currency switcher widget





– Shopify Admin Login.

– Shopify eCommerce Store’s link.

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