Calendar View

You can display the Delivery Date as “Calendar View”. If you have selected the Calendar View, you can manage the following options:


– Date Display Mode: Select the relevant mode to display the date. There are four different modes are provided: Calendar, Radio Button, Dropdown & Button.


If you have selected Calendar to “Date Display Mode”, the following option will be available:


– Date picker animations: Display the animation when the date picker is clicked and closed.


– Use datepicker bottom bar: Display a bottom bar for selecting today’s date and visible the “Done” button for closing the calendar.


Note: Above both options are visible only if you have selected the “Calendar” display in the Date Display Mode selection.


If you have selected “Yes” to the Enable Delivery TimeSlot, the following option will be available:


– Label for timeslot: Insert a ‘label’ for a calendar timeslot.


– Timeslot Display Mode: Select the relevant mode to display the Timeslot from the provided modes: Radio Button, Dropdown & Button.


– Enable RTL (Right to Left) in datepicker: You can enable the Right To Left view in datepicker.


– Maximum Number of Day for Delivery: Inset the days (in months) to define the number of days you want to make available for selection as delivery date to your customers.


– Make Delivery Date Mandatory: Set ‘Yes’ to make the delivery date as a required field.



But if you select No for the Make Delivery date mandatory, you can provide the Pre-selected Delivery Date:


– Pre-Select Default Delivery Date: Enable this option to display the first available delivery date selected in the date picker.

– Pre-Select Delivery Date After: Insert how many days are required to process the order and ship it.

Label for Delivery Date: Enter text to display as Label for the delivery date on the front end.


Label for Delivery Date Comments: Enter text to display as Label for delivery date comment in frontend.


– Allow Customer to add Comment: You can enable/disable the comments section under the Delivery Date. If you don’t want to allow the customers to add the comments, disable this option by selecting the No option.


But, if you want to allow the customers to add the comments regarding the order/shipment, enable the comment by selecting the Yes option.


The customers will get the additional edit box to add any instruction/note in the delivery date section.


– Enable Call Me Before Delivery: Select Yes to enable the “call me before delivery” option in the delivery date section. If you select “Yes”, the following options will be enabled:


– Label for call me Before Delivery: Enter text to display as label for call me before delivery on the frontend.


– Show Additional Info: You can display any custom message or additional information to the customers. Select Yes to display additional information to customers.


– Additional info for Customers: You can add a custom message to notify customers if any special instruction is there.


– Date Format: Defined date format will be displayed in the frontend and admin panel. i.e. d/m/y, d-m-y etc.


– Time Format: Define the time format which will be displayed in the frontend and admin panel. i.e. g:I a or H:i:s.