Chat Type

Live Chat

You can show the live chat module in two ways: Live Chat and Messenger Page.


If you select “Live Chat”, you need to choose the color to display the Live Chat module on the online store.


Messenger Page


If you have selected the  Messenger Page as “Chat Type”, you can redirect the customers to the default “Messenger Page” in the new browser’s tab when they click on the live chat popup. By selecting the “Messenger Page”, you will see the Customize tab.



You can customize the live chat popup appearance. You can configure the following options:


– Icon Style: You will see five different icon styles. Select an icon to display for the live chat popup.


– Text Button: Insert the text label to display the Facebook live chat.


– Tab Size: Select the size of the text label. You can select, Small, Medium, or Large.


– Icon and Text color: Choose the color for the live chat popup icon and the text label.


– Tab Background: Choose the color for the background of the popup icon and the text.


A custom color picker is provided to choose the color as per your store’s theme.


– Icon Position: Select the position of the live chat popup icon. You can select Bottom Left or Bottom Right.


– Spacing: Manage the space of the icon as per the position (horizontally).


– Margin: Manage the margin of the icon from the bottom (vertically).


You can see the live preview as you change any settings or update the labels. By clicking on the Save button, the live chat changes will be applied to the online store.

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