Theme Options
By clicking on the Slider Configuration menu, you will redirect to the Theme Option under the Flare Theme Builder configuration. You can set the configuration for the Slider to display on the front store as Banner/Offers, insert the Instagram access key to access the Instagram feeds, and Google Analytics Settings.
Slider Configuration
Configure and inset the following details for the Slider.
– Insert maximum Height & Width (in pixels) for the Slider.
– Autoplay: Enable to play the slides automatically.
– Autoplay Speed: Insert the time interval to Auto play the slides. i.e. insert in MS (millisecond seconds): 4000 MS means 4 seconds.
– Pause on over: Automatically pause by moving the cursor on the slider.
– Loop: Enable the Loop for the Slides.
– Next-Prev. Navigation: Enable the arrow to move the slides Next-Previous.
– Paging Navigation: Enable indexing a list with numerals.
– Lazy Load: Enable the Lazy load for how many background images you want to load, and when you go to the next or the previous slide, one image will get loaded from that end, if it wasn’t already loaded.
Instagram Feed Configuration
Enable the Insta Feed in the Web Store by inserting the Access Token.
– Access Token: Insert the Access Token which you get from the Instagram by registering the client ID.
For generating Instagram Access token, please click here.
Note: Authenticated requests need an Instagram Access token. Access Token is an opaque string that identifies a user, app, or page. The app can use it to make graph API calls and is unique to each user.
Google Analytics and GTM Settings
Insert Google Analytics details.
– Google Analytics: Insert the code for Google Analytics.
– GTM Code: Insert the code for GTM.
Custom CSS
Insert the custom CSS to change the style.