Global Filters

You can also filter responses as needed by applying global filters to the gathered data. There are two different global filters available: Filter By Date and Filter By Question Logic.


Global Filters are available and get applied to question wise report and individual report.


Filter By Date: To filter data based on date, select Date option from the global filter by dropdown and click on ‘Filter’ button. On clicking Filter button, a pop up appears where you need to enter start date and end date as required. Click on ‘Apply Global Filter’ button to view filtered results.


Filter By Question Logic: To filter data based on question logic, select Question Logic option from the global filter by dropdown and click on ‘Filter’ button. On clicking Filter button, pop up appears where you need to enter start date and end date if required and select question and its respective logic to filter results based on specific response.


In question logic filter, you can set time range by entering start date and end date to view responses in particular time period. In case if global filter by date is already applied, the filtered data is of those dates and can be changed if required.


To set the filter’s logic, select survey question from the dropdown and logic that you want to apply for the filter.


For adding logic to the question, select the condition from the dropdown and enter the required value in the text area available next to the condition dropdown.


There are different logic operators available within the Logic Operator dropdown based on question type selected.


Multiple questions and its corresponding logic can be added at a time. To add more questions to the filter, click on ‘plus’ icon available. You can also reset the filter by clicking on reset button. For all the questions added in the filter, you can select the condition for them to work like Match All and Match Any.


On selection of Match All, ‘AND’ operation is applied on the filter while on selection of Match Any, ‘OR’ operation is applied on the filter. Match All is the default condition.


Click on ‘Apply Global Filter’ button to view filtered results.


Note: Global filters filter results of question wise report and individual report and they don’t get applied on trend report.


In question logic filter, selecting minimum one question along with its corresponding logic is mandatory.