AppJetty provides effective solution in the form of Magento Australia Post Parcel Send Extension which helps store owners to submit consignment manifests to Parcel Send and generate labels for printing. Along with this, it also provides support for various Domestic and International shipping services under Australia Post Parcel Send.
Customers can choose shipping methods provided by admin and opt for the most suitable method. Admin can set charge codes for the defined methods along with setting up free shipping methods as well. Admin will have list of consignments and will be able to submit them to Parcel Send by creating Manifests. After creating the manifests, the admin will have detailed information about the manifests and can generate labels for printing. Using Magento Australia Post Parcel Send Extension, admin can reprint the labels without extra charge.
Benefits of Australia Post Parcel Send
Official Australia Post Partner
Manage Shipping Methods
Address Verification Facility
Shipment Tracking with Parcel Send
Custom articles for consignments
Free Shipping Rules Management
Manifest Summary Report
Easily Generate Labels for Consignments
Admin should have an Australia Post account
Admin should hold a Business account
Admin should also hold a Developer account