By clicking on Manage Configuration, you can activate the extension, set general configuration, and insert the Notification key for Android/iOS users.
Copy an activation key
Copy the activation key from the Order Confirmation Mail. OR
Log into your account at using the email and password you have provided at the checkout process.
Go to Downloadable Options and copy the activation key for the App Builder extension.
Activate the extension
Log into Magento Admin Panel. Navigate to the MAGEMOB APP BUILDER → Manage Configuration to configure the MageMob App Builder app settings. You can also reach out to the MageMob App Builder configuration by navigating STORES -> CONFIGURATION -> APPJETTY -> MageMob App Builder. [1]
You need to insert the activation key in the “Activation Key” for the App Builder extension and then click on the Save Config button. [2]
Select Store
When you enter and save the key it will be verified, and you can select the store where you need to use the App Builder extension. Click the Save Config button after making your selections. [2]
Now, MageMob Mobile App Builder Extension got activated.
MageMob App Builder Configuration
Now, after activating the extension, you must set other configurations. [3]