Auto Schedule Records

You will find the Auto Schedule Records option only from the ‘Data Grid’. Select the required data from the Data Grid and click on Auto Schedule icon. [1]


Once you clicked on Auto Schedule icon, you will get a Warning message regarding the removing the plotted records from the map. [2]


By clicking OK, you will be redirected to “Auto Scheduling” slider from the right side.


In map configuration Auto scheduling configuration will be there according to set values.


To create an Auto Scheduling, fill the required data. [3]


> Time Period: Select Time duration, Total working days/week/month. (Mandatory field)


> Start Location: Insert your starting location from where you want to start the schedule. (Mandatory field)


> End Location: Insert your ending location where your scheduling end.


> Time Period: Select day/days for Auto Schedule.


> Meeting Duration: Select the time for each plotted record for meeting or appointment. [4]


> Schedule Start Time: Select Starting Time of the day.


> Schedule End Time: Select Ending Time of the day.


> Break Start Time: Select Break Start time in between scheduled time.


> Break end time: Select Break End time in between scheduled time.


> Extra/Buffer Time : Select time for a day for extra work. [5]


> Working Days: Select days for working. You will get the date wise schedule as per selection of Time Period and you will get the date wise schedule as per selected days. [6]


  • If your activity is starting from date of 22nd Oct (Thu.), Time period is 4 days and selected Days are: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. You will get the date as per the selection of the days. Wednesday will be skipped.


  • You can save the schedule by clicking on Save Schedule. [7]


  • By clicking on the Schedule, the Routes will auto schedule on the map.


  • Here, you will get the direction based on SPF algorithm. [8]


  • As you click on Save Schedule button, the Save Schedule popup will appear. Enter ‘Route Name’ and ‘assign’ it to user by selecting user from the dropdown. [9]


  • You will get the Saved Scheduled Routes under the Direction tab.


  • You can view the Routes by clicking on view You can even Delete and Edit the routes by clicking on the Delete and Edit icons. [10]