We must configure the Firebase for “Live tracking”. Follow the below steps:
- Go the Firebase website, open this link: https://console.firebase.google.com/
Here you need to add a new project by clicking on the + Add project.
Give a suitable name to your project and click on Continue to configure the details.
In next, you will find the “Add Firebase”, click on that.
By click on that, the project will be created.
Click on Continue for next details.
Click on </>
Now register the app by inserting the relevant name to web app.
After registration the web app, you will get the script which you have to copy the code and you must enter in MappyField 365 configuration for live tracking.
Click on Continue to console.
In this way, by configuring the Firebase and copy the code into the MappyField 365 configuration, you can enable the Live User tracking feature.