You can create any territory using the required search options. After selecting the plotted area, right-click on it and you will see the Create New Territory option.
By clicking on the “Create New Territory” option, you will see the + Create new territory popup with mainly three options to manage the territories: [1]
- Add to parent territory: You can add the plotted area (new territory) under any territory (existing territory) that will be a parent territory.
- You need to insert the relevant “Name” of the new territory. After that, you need to “Select Territory” which will be the parent territory for the new territory.
After clicking on the Save button, the new territory will be created and placed under the parent territory (selected territory). [2]
Once the territory is created, you and the CRM users can see the parent-child structure in the search options to plot the territory on the map. [3]
You can plot the territories on the map for the Parent and its sub territories separately. [4]