To create a Poll, select ‘Create Poll’ option from the Survey Module dropdown.
This will open up a page to create Poll. Fill in all the necessary information. You can upload a logo and select a theme that suits your requirement.
A poll will have only one question which can either be a radio type question or a checkbox.
To allow more than one answer-choice for a respondent, select checkbox question type and to allow only a single answer choice, select radio button as the question type.
To view images as option, you can select checkbox ‘Show Image Option’. And to view option label along with image you can check the box, ‘Show Option Text’
You can also allow multiple attempts for a single respondent. To allow multiple attempts, check the ‘Allow Redundant Answers’ checkbox.
Once you finish editing the question click on ‘Save’ button.
You can send Poll from the following modules: Accounts, Contacts, Leads and Targets
You can also Send Poll through a shareable link. To generate a shareable link, navigate to the Detail View of a Poll and click on ‘Get Shareable Link’ button.
This will generate a shareable web link, which you can post on Social Medias or share with people to get responses online.
You can also copy survey link by clicking on Copy Survey Link button available in the list view of the polls.