By clicking on the “Product Review”, you will navigate to the Integration page, from here you must have integrated the Product Review app.
For the first time, you will get the status as “Not Created”. By clicking on the Create Snippet File button, it will generate a (snippet) file to your active theme.
Once the file is created, you will get the status as “Created”. You need to add the below codes manually on different pages. Navigate to the Customize Themes -> Edit Code -> ‘theme.liquid’ file from Shopify Backend:
> You need to add the following code to the “Product Template” page:
{% include ‘cx-reviews-widgets’, widget : ‘count’ %}
{% include ‘cx-reviews-widgets’, widget : ‘review’ %}
> You need to add the following code to the Product Item page:
{% include ‘cx-reviews-widgets’, widget : ‘avg_count’ %}
The Product Review widget will display on your store only when you have created a snippet file and included the code into the ‘theme.liquid’ file