
By clicking on the ‘Reviews’ tab, you will get the list of the product reviews in the grid view to check and manage/edit the reviews.


1. You will get the Review details like Status, Reviewer Name, Ratings, Feedback, Date, and Actions.


2. You can search for any review by inserting the Reviewer Name who posted the review, Product Name, or Review text.


3. You can ‘filter’ the product reviews as per the Status of the reviews. You will have these four options:

> All Reviews > Published Reviews > Unpublished Reviews > Flagged Reviews.


4. You can ‘filter’ the product reviews as per the Stars given by the customers in the product review. You can select between 1 to 5 stars individually.


5. For the specific review, you will have 4 different actions to perform to manage the review:


– Mark As Important (Flag): Mark any review as important and keep it in important status.


– View: Preview the Review details.


– Edit: Edit the Review.


– Delete: Remove unwanted and not required review.


6. At the bottom, you will get the navigation to move to the Next reviews or come back to the previous reviews as you want to check the product reviews.

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