Once admin has configured the Delivery Date from the backend, the customers will get the delivery date option according to that configuration.
If the admin has set the Delivery restriction option that the delivery option will be enabled only when the min. order value exceeds a certain defined value (amount), the customers will get the Delivery Date selection option only when that happens.
The date display will appear as per the selection in the “Date Display Mode” from the configuration. (Calendar, Radio Button, Dropdown or Button)
Once the customer selects the Delivery Date, the Delivery Timeslot will also be enabled if admin has enabled from the Delivery Date configuration.
The time list in the Timeslot will appear as per the selection of the available timeslots and the selected Timeslot Display mode (Radio Button, Dropdown or Button).
If admin has selected the Timeslot View in the “Show delivery schedule in”, your customer will get date wise all the time slots as shown below.
Admin can disable the time slot and display just the date selection by disabling the Time Slots from the Delivery date configuration.
Here, if the holidays are added for a specific date, the customers will get those dates disabled here.
Similarly, if admin has set the Delivery Date selection on Cart page, the customers will get Delivery Date option as per the configuration.
Delivery date selection on Product page
If admin has selected the Delivery Date Display at Product Detail Page, the customer will get the Delivery Date selection options on the Product detail page.
You can also provide the customers same-day delivery timer for the products in case of all the products for which same-day delivery is available.
Order Summary details
Once the customer ordered by selecting their preferable deliver date with the time slot, they can check delivery date and its related options from the “Order Summary“.