You can add and manage the Page Blocks for different content block of the Web page.
Content blocks are sometimes referred as static blocks, or CMS blocks. You can use them to display fixed information such as text, images, and embedded video, as well as dynamic information from a widget or that, originates in a database or other source. Most elements on the home page are blocks that you can easily manage.
Navigate to THEME FLARE -> Theme Configuration -> Manage Page Blocks.
Here you will get the list of the Page blocks Slider in the grid view. You can search the Blocks by filter options and edit/delete unwanted blocks as well.
You can add a new Page Block by clicking on Add New Block button from the upper-right corner.
Add New Block
First, you must Enable the Block.
Block Title: Insert the title name of the Block. i.e. Biztech Apparel Footer
Identifier: Insert the Identifier text. I.e. Biztech-apparel-footer.
Store View: Choose the Store View where the block is to be available.
You can create custom blocks of content without writing any code and assign them to get appeared in a specific place in the page layout. You can add the text caption and design using WYSIWYG Editor or select the Widget or Images.
After inserting the details, Save the Block.
Note: This Block content can be selected for the Category in the Content tab under Add CMS Block dropdown option.