Question wise Report

‘Question wise’ report displays question Summary Report that shows list of responses for each question.


Like ‘Status Report, Question wise Report displays 6 different tabs of reports:

-> Combined -> Email                -> Weblink          -> Manual           -> SMS                  -> WhatsApp


Under Normal tab to view chart which shows the ‘percentage of the submitted data’. Clicking on Trend tab you get ‘trend chart’ of the responses received for each question.


Under ‘Normal’ tab, you can view different types of charts for the response data.


To change the chart type, click on the ‘chart’ icon available on the left in every question section and select the type of chart that you want to see.


You can see different chart options like: Column Chart, Pie Chart, Bar Chart and Line Graph.


For matrix question type, different chart options are: Group Column Chart, Stacked Column Chart, Stacked Bar Chart and for NPS question type you get to view Meter Gauge by default.



Note: This Chart is only enabled when the Question is of ‘selection type’ (Radio button, Multi-Select etc.)


You can also view response statistics by checking the show Stats option.


Statistics Table includes data like Range, Least frequent, Most frequent, Mean, Median, Standard Deviation and Variance calculated based on responses received.



Note: Options to switch between normal and trend report or changing the chart type is available for closed ended questions only.


For Scoring enabled questions, weight for each answer choice will be displayed along with average score for that question based on the responses.



Note: If the ‘Question Types’ are: Multiple Choice Question and Checkbox, then the ‘Average Score’ will be displayed as per the Weight (Total) and if the ‘Question Types’ are: Radio button and Dropdown, then the ‘Average Score’ will be displayed as per the Weight (Max.).


Similarly, you can also check the Question wise Reports for Email, Web Link Manual, SMS and WhatsApp.

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