How can I Find a Nearby Location of a record in Mappyfield 365?

In MappyField 365 you can see Point of Interests near any plotted record. You can view nearby Hotels, Restaurants, Airports, Petrol Pumps, etc. for any plotted record. 

Point of Interest

  • If you want to search specific locations like restaurants, coffee shops, hotels, airports, gas stations, etc. near the plotted records, click on the Point of Interest tab. 
  • You must insert the location, and the autofill dropdown will appear. You will get the POI location based on your location.  

  • Under the POI tab, select the location/place which you want to search. 
  • After selecting the POI Location, click on the Go button to plot the records of the POI on the map.

  • From the “Layer card”, you will get the POI Layer and you can also check the POI locations in detail from the “Details cards” on the right side of the map.

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